
Bernard G owns the website.
By viewing this website or anything made available on or through this website, including but not limited to programs, products, services, opt-in gifts, e-books, videos, webinars, blog posts, e-newsletters, consultations, e-mails, social media, and/or other communication (collectively referred to as “Website”), you agree to accept all parts of this Disclaimer. As a result, if you do not agree with the Disclaimer below, STOP RIGHT NOW and do not access or use this Website.

Only for Educational and Informative Purposes.  This Website’s information is offered exclusively for educational and informative reasons, and as a self-help tool for your own use.

This is not Medical, Psychological, or Religious Advice.   I am not a doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, advance practice nurse, or other medical professional (“Medical Provider”), psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or social worker (“Mental Health Provider”), registered dietician or licensed nutritionist, or member of the clergy. As a High Impact Business Coach, I do not provide medical or nutritional treatment services, nor do I attempt to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional ailment, illness, or condition. The material on my Website about your health, wealth/finances, business/career choices, or any other element of your life is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment offered by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. You agree and recognize that I am not offering any medical, mental health, or religious advice. Before adopting any recommendations or ideas from our Website, always seek the opinion of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider if you have any questions or concerns about your individual health or any drugs, herbs, or supplements you are presently taking. Do not dismiss or postpone obtaining medical care because of anything found on this Website. Do not begin or discontinue any drugs without first consulting with your personal Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. If you have or think that you have a medical or mental health problem, please consult your own Medical or Mental Health Provider as soon as possible. The Food and Drug Administration has not reviewed the content on this website.
This is not Legal or Financial Advice.
I am not an attorney, accountant, or financial advisor, nor do I claim to be. This Website’s content is not meant to be a substitute for legal or financial advice from your own attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied to you, I cannot be held liable for any mistakes or omissions, and I accept no liability for any loss or damage you may suffer. Seek financial and/or
legal advice on your unique circumstances as needed for any and all questions and concerns you currently have or may have in the future. You acknowledge that the content on our Website does not constitute legal or financial advice.
Personal Accountability.
You intend to correctly reflect the information you offer us on or via our Website. You understand that you are using our Website willingly and that you are completely and personally responsible for your choices, actions, and outcomes, both now and in the future. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of your use, or lack thereof, of any information provided on or through this Website, and you agree to use your own judgment and due diligence before applying any idea, suggestion, or recommendation from my Website to your life, family, or business.
No Guarantees.
My job is to help and support you in achieving your own goals, but your success is mostly determined by your own work, motivation, dedication, and follow-through. I cannot forecast or promise that you will get a certain outcome, and you agree and acknowledge that results vary for each individual. The outcomes of each individual are determined by his or her unique history, devotion, desire, motivation, behaviors, and a variety of other elements. You accept that there are no assurances as to the precise consequence or outcomes you can expect from utilizing the material on or through this Website.
Earnings Disclaimer.
Any profits or income statements or samples displayed on our Website are simply approximations of what is currently or in the future feasible. There can be no guarantee of a specific financial outcome based on the usage of our Website. You accept that I am not liable for your profits, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the rise or reduction of your finances or income level, or any other outcome that you may have as a result of material offered to you on our Website. You are totally accountable for your outcomes.
I share real-world experiences, testimonials, and insights regarding other people’s interactions with my Website solely for illustrative purposes. The testimonials, samples, and images featured are either of genuine clients and the results they directly obtained, or they are remarks from people who can attest to my character and/or the quality of my work. They are not meant to suggest or guarantee that current or future clients will attain the same or comparable outcomes; rather, these testimonials are intended to be illustrative only.

Risk Acceptance.
As with any situation, there are occasionally unexpected individual hazards and conditions that might develop during usage of my Website and impact or limit outcomes. You acknowledge that any mention of any advice or recommendation on or through my Website is to be taken at your own risk, with no liability on my part, realizing that there is a remote possibility of disease, damage, or even death, and you agree to incur all risks.
Liability Restrictions.
By using my Website, you agree to release me from any liability or loss that you or any other person may suffer as a result of utilizing the information, goods, or materials that you request or get via or from my Website. You agree that I will not be liable to you or any other person, corporation, or organization for any damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental, equitable, or consequential loss or damages, resulting from your use of or reliance on my Website. You agree that I am not liable for any accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, personal or business interruptions, misapplication or information, physical or mental disease or condition or issue, or any other type of loss or damage caused by any act or default by me or anyone acting as our agent, consultant, affiliate, joint venture partner, employee, shareholder, director, staff, team member, or anyone else affiliated with my business.
Indemnification and Release of Claims.
You hereby fully and completely hold harmless, indemnify, and release me and any of my agents, consultants, affiliates, joint venture partners, employees, shareholders, directors, staff, team members, or anyone else associated with my business or me from any and all causes of action, allegations, suits, claims, damages, or demands, in law or equity, that may arise in the past, present, or future in connection with my Website.
No Warranties.
I make no warranties regarding my website’s performance or operation. I make no express or implied representations or warranties of any kind regarding the information, content, materials, programs, products, or services included on or through the website. I disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, to the fullest extent permissible by applicable law.
Omissions and Errors  Although every effort is taken to guarantee the accuracy of material posted on or via this Website, inaccuracies or typographical mistakes may occur accidentally. You acknowledge that I am not responsible for the views, opinions, or accuracy of facts cited on or via my Website, or for the views, opinions, or accuracy of facts referred by any other individual or corporation linked with my business or me in any manner. Because scientific, technological, and business processes are continually developing, you accept that I am not liable for the correctness of my Website, as well as any mistakes or omissions that may arise.
No Endorsement.
The inclusion of references or links on my Website to the information, views, advice, programs, goods, or services of any other individual, business, or entity does not imply my formal endorsement. I am simply providing information for your personal self-help. I am not responsible for any other person, business, or entity’s website content, blogs, e-mails, videos, social media, programs, goods, or services that may be linked to or mentioned on my Website. In contrast, the presence of my Website link on any other individual’s, business’s, or entity’s website, program, product, or service does not imply my formal endorsement of them, their business, or their website.
I may occasionally promote, affiliate with, or collaborate with other persons or businesses whose programs, goods, and services complement mine. In the interest of full disclosure, I’d like to make you aware that there may be times when I promote, advertise, share, or sell programs, products, or services for other partners in exchange for cash compensation or other benefits. Please keep in mind that I am quite picky and only endorse partners whose programs, goods, and/or services I value. At the same time, you acknowledge that such advertising or marketing does not constitute any kind of endorsement. You must still use your own discretion to assess if any such program, product, or service is appropriate for you. You accept all risks and agree that I am not accountable for any program, product, or service that I may promote, market, share or sell on or via my Website.
Please get in touch.
By using my Website, you agree to all of the terms of the preceding Disclaimer. If you have any queries concerning this Disclaimer, please get in touch with me at admin@bernardg.net